Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann
When did you discover photography and know that it would become your career?

I was 6 or 7 years old when I first held a camera. I stole it from my parents' closet and couldn't stop playing with it. I brought the camera to school and documented my friends (and the people I wanted to be friends with, haha!). Cameras always allowed me to get close to other people. I was such a nervous and anxious child back then that it was much easier for me to hide behind a camera. I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to do when I grew up, but there's no doubt that I immediately felt a connection to photography!

Your pictures are filled with warm colors and remind us of warm summer days! How did you develop your style?

I developed my style through my obsession with California. Even though I had never been to California, I knew at the age of 7 that I had to go there! I dreamed of palm trees and imagined them outside my bedroom window. I somehow thought that Hollywood was THE place where all dreams come true - no matter where you come from or what you look like, because everyone can find their place in Hollywood. I still feel that way today. For me, LA is the way to become the person you want to be. After all the years I've lived here, there is still so much magic and excitement in this city. And I'm still holding on to it!

What inspires you and why?

People inspire me like crazy! People who aren't afraid to be themselves. People who are willing to share the good, the not-so-good, and the sometimes unflattering sides of themselves. Those who aren't afraid to look stupid when they try new things, and those who vigorously chase their dreams! I love a good "underdog" story where people overcome challenges and themselves to achieve their incredible goals. Those are the stories that matter most to me! And those are the people who inspire me every day.

Would you like to tell us a little about your creative process? Do you plan ahead a lot or do you prefer to take photos spontaneously? How do you edit your images?

I used to shoot spontaneously, but as I've gotten older I've become more disciplined and I like to take my time with the production process for each project. I look for the goal and theme behind everything we create. I love brainstorming with the team, writing down notes and perspectives, and coming up with stories and visions that inspire and motivate us all!

You describe yourself as a palm tree enthusiast – what do you love most about palm trees?

Palm trees always remind me of the little girl who grew up in Ottawa, Canada and dreamed of living a creative life in Los Angeles. Palm trees have always been my North Star! They are a reflection of me and all the hopes and dreams that live inside me. They make my day better and always remind me to stay focused on one thing - my dreams!

How and why did you start using Instagram to share your pictures?

It was a new outlet for my creativity - a place where I could share my thoughts and ideas and the work I was doing at the time. It was where I could develop my style and share it with anyone who followed my account. Back then, not many people were doing what I was doing, so my account stood out a little and I had success with it because of it.

Do you have any tips for aspiring photographers?

Be active! Build a library of images that inspire you first and foremost. Don't think about what others want to see of you; do what makes you happy! Put together a portfolio that best represents you as a person and artist. And share it with as many people as possible. Don't be afraid to fail at the beginning or take bad pictures. It will take time to get good at what you do and it will take time to find your style; feel free to start over 100 times until you get it exactly the way you imagined it. Never stop creating! And never stop working towards what you want!

Do you have a favorite photo that you have shared? Can you tell us the story behind it?

Good question! It's hard to choose. I guess it would be like choosing a favorite child - haha! Maybe all my palm tree photos, because they have such a deep meaning to me. They are as close to my heart as anything else.

What do you think about your Instagram community? Do you communicate with them a lot? Have you even been able to meet some of them?

I love it! But I don't spend as much time on Instagram as I used to. I'm a bit more disciplined these days and only allow myself a certain amount of time on the platform. This time may be spread out over the day, but it's always the same amount of time and I don't go over it. So when the app goes off (I set a timer specifically), I know I've reached my limit for the day.

Do you like receiving and sending postcards?

Yes, I think that's great!

Did you know Pickmotion before our cooperation? If so, how did you find out about us?

I didn't know! But so far it's been such a wonderful collaboration! I love having worked with you for so many years! Thanks again for the invitation and for everything you do!!

We're also very happy to have been able to work with @kimgenevieve for so long! That's why you can discover these and even more beautiful designs from her in selected sets in our online shop! If you're looking for individual cards, check out your local retailer!

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