Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

I am really happy to introduce to you the one and only @juliaslieblinge , blogger and globetrotter from Cologne. One of her photos is soon going to be seen on one of our postcards, soon more! But today we want to talk about traveling and especially about her three week journey through Panama:

Can you tell me a little about the trip? / How do you prepare for your trips?
I spent 3 weeks backpacking in Panama and visited many wonderful places on the Caribbean coast, inland, on the Pacific coast and of course Panama City.
This time I had less time than usual to research my destination. Normally I love to browse through travel guides and find out more about the country.
In addition, I read a lot of travel blogs to get inspiration and also use Instagram to get an overview and perhaps discover less well-known favorite places.
The unplanned and somewhat uncertain nature did me a lot of good this time. I just went with the flow, planned spontaneously and just stayed where I liked best at the time.

Can you tell me a little bit about your recent trip? / How do you prepare for traveling?

I went to Panama to do backpacking for three weeks. I visited a lot of beautiful places on the Caribbean coast as well as in the interior, the Pacific coast and of course Panama City.
I hadn't enough time to prepare myself for the trip this time but normally I like to inform myself and read guidebooks before I go. Additionally I read a lot of travel blogs to get inspired and of course Instagram to discover some not so touristic places. But the unexpected and unknown this time was really good. I just let myself get carried away, I just stayed where I liked it the most and planned spontaneously.

What did you particularly like about Panama?
I thought it was great that Panama is so diverse. From absolute relaxation and the deserted island feeling on the Caribbean island group San Blas, to hiking in the jungle, surfing and snorkeling in the Pacific, to big city life in Panama City, it had everything. I was also surprised at how easy it is to travel as a backpacker. Panama is very small and the good infrastructure means you can get anywhere without losing much time. Last but not least, it is of course the encounters and people that make a trip special. Even if most travel acquaintances are perhaps superficial, they are incredibly inspiring and sometimes real friendships develop.

What did you like the most about Panama?

Panama is so varied it's amazing! You can do the total relaxation on the Caribbean island group San Blas, but also go hiking in the jungle, surfing and snorkeling in the Pacific as well as enjoying the city life in Panama city. Furthermore I was really surprised how uncomplicated it is to travel as a backpacker. And last but not least there are the people you meet during your travels that matter of course. Most of the travel acquaintances are cursory but still very inspiring and sometimes even real friendships develop.

What are your essentials that you always take with you on your travels?
First and foremost is definitely my camera. I now have a Fujifilm system camera with various lenses, which is very practical as it is small and not that heavy. My Nikon DSLR is a bit bulkier.
My remote shutter release is a must, we really are a good team! I would think it a shame if I wasn't seen in my own photos because I was travelling alone.
Then comes my playlist with favorite music, a lot of good books on my e-reader and a notebook to write down experiences.

What are the essentials that you always take to your travels?
First of all definitely my camera. I have a Fuji system camera with different lenses. It is really practical because it is small and not too heavy. My Nikon DSLR is a lot more bulky. Furthermore my remote release and I are a good team! I think it would be quite sad not to be on any photos because of traveling alone.
After that it's my music playlist, a lot of really good books on my e-reader and a notebook to write down experiences.

What do you like to photograph most when traveling?
I think my favorite thing to photograph is the sea. I love the vastness and vastness and can stare at it for hours.
Whether in bright sunshine or in the rain, with or without ships, with palm trees in the foreground or people in the distance – the sea is photogenic.
Basically, you rarely find people in my photos but rather landscapes or objects.
Especially when traveling, I sometimes wish I could be braver and ask locals for a photo.

What is your favorite photo subject on your travels?
I think it's the sea. I love the infinity and width of the sea. I could watch it for hours!
It doesn't matter whether it rains or the sun is out, with or without boats, with palm trees in front or people in the distance – the sea is photogenic.
Basically you rarely see people on my photos but instead landscapes and other things. Especially on my travels I wish sometime that I could be more brave and just ask the locals for a picture.

What was an impressive experience/moment on one of your trips?
A special experience was the hike up the Speckkarspitze during my three-day hut tour through the Karwendel last summer. After several hours of very strenuous climbing, I finally reached the summit. The view was simply breathtaking! The peace, the impressive nature and the feeling of being far away and above things - that was great. I felt really free and was also a little proud of myself.

What was your most impressive moment/experience on one of your trips?
The hike on to the Speckkarspitze during my three day cottage tour through the Karwendel last summer was a pretty special adventure. After a few hours of a really exhausting climb I finally arrived at the top. The view was breathtaking! The silence, the impressive nature and the feeling to be far far away and to be on top of everything – that was amazing. I just felt free besides being a little proud of myself.

What are your top three travel destinations?
1. Holland. Always a good choice. I love the cute coastal towns, the endless beaches and the Dutch flair. And also the food - Frikandel, Kibbeling and everything else that is fried.
2. Portugal. I had completely underestimated it at first, the country is beautiful and perfect for a long road trip along the coast.
3. Morocco. Just a few hours from Germany you can immerse yourself in a completely different culture. Definitely worth a trip.

What are your top three travel destinations?
1.The Netherlands. It works every time for me. I love the cute villages next to the coast, the long beaches and the atmosphere of the Netherlands.And the food – like: Frikandel, Kibbling and everything else that is deep-fried.
2.Portugal. I underestimated it at first but the country is beautiful and perfect for a long road trip next to the coast.
3.Morocco. Just a few hours away from Germany and you douse into a totally different culture. Definitely worth a trip!

Where would you like to travel in the future?
Phew, my imaginary list is really quite long. I think Scandinavia with Norway or Sweden is at the top at the moment, and Iceland would be nice too. But I've also decided to explore Germany more. Sometimes I think to myself: why travel to the ends of the earth when you don't even really know your own country? I think Germany has a lot to offer!

Where else do you want to travel in the future?
Phew, my imaginative list is really long. At the moment Scandinavia is on top, with Norway, Sweden or Iceland. But I also decided to discover more parts from Germany. Sometimes I think: why travel until the end of the world if you don't even know your own country? I think Germany has a lot to offer!

Who are your favorite Instagrammers?
I love @belkaberlin ! Your photos make my wanderlust immense, as does your magazine “The Fernweh Collective”.
Since I love staring at the sea, I also enjoy the photos from @cedricdasesson every day.
I've been following @Smaracuja since I had Instagram, her travel blog was the first one I started reading.
In Cologne, my current favorite pictures are those of @ lulovas and @ ollili – not least because they both discover perspectives and motifs that would never occur to me.
I recently discovered @aboutthelittlethingz and fell in love with the pictures. The account is somehow everyday and dreamy at the same time.

Who are your favorite Instagramers?
I love @belkaberlin ! I get wanderlust as soon as I look at her pictures and her magazine “The Fernweh Collective”.

Since I love looking at the sea, I am always delighted about the photos from @cedricasesson .
@smaracuja 's travel blog was the first one I read and so I follow her since I am on Instagram.
My favorite pictures of Cologne are from @lulovas and @ ollili – they discover perspectives I don't even think about.
And I just spotted @ aboutthelittlethingz and I fell in love with the photos. The feed is ordinary and at the same time dreamy.

Do you have a favorite hashtag?
There are many, if I had to choose it would be #backsfeel.
Here I regularly look at the tagged pictures – people from behind.
It sounds strange, but I like that people focus on what is actually beautiful, like the background or a landscape, instead of looking into the camera.

Do you have a favorite hashtag?
There are many. If I would have to choose I guess it is the #backsfeel. I regularly check those pictures – people from behind.

It might sound weird but I like it if people concentrate on the beauty, so in this case the background or a landscape instead of looking at the camera.

What is your favorite picture from your current trip?

Which picture is your favorite of your Panama journey?
This one:

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