Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

What does it mean to be head designer at Space Club Ibiza?
Hard work, creativity, more caffeine, stress and a good dose of self-discipline.

Your photos are actually typical Instagram portraits, except that the subject’s head is missing – what is the concept behind this?
Before I started the headless project, my gallery was a simple Instagram profile like any other, where I interacted with the community and posted photos of my travels, work, friends and creativity. We all lose our heads for something or for someone, it can happen every day, but at least once in a lifetime. It happens to all of us, and I mean that. What would we look like without our heads, without our "body engine"? Is that imaginable? The picture would look funny, scary, unique... I thought, why not just decapitate us to see what it looks like. The result is sometimes amazing. Because I am part of the community, of course I wanted to share this idea with millions of other Igers and let everyone be part of my project - What would you look like without your head?

How do you implement this technically? Are you a master at using Photoshop?
Lol. Is that what you think of me? Thanks. But I'm just a self-taught artist who grew up with Photoshop, CMYK colors, and good music.

How long have you been taking photos? How did it start?
I started in 2002, when I was 15 years old. It was a very hot summer, I was very young and I started working in a summer club (because I was always interested in club culture). We received tons of promotional flyers and posters every week (there was no web promotion back then). Whenever I had nothing to do, I would stare at those graphics, I would study them and try to understand the meaning behind the images and illustrations. I still remember very well the smell of freshly printed material, which I loved. At the end of that summer, I bought a computer and spent many nights in front of that box, dreaming of the art that I make today and which is the meaning of my existence.

Are you inspired by literature and painting? Your photos remind me of HG Wells and René Magritte.
I love Magritte without question, but actually I get inspiration from everything, from music, travel, exhibitions and paintings.

Who are the people photographed? Did they agree to the beheading?
The subjects are often Igers from all over the world. They ask me if they can be part of the project, or I ask them about images I've seen in their gallery that fit my project. Sometimes I take the photo with Igers, or I explain to them how to take a particular image so I can combine it with one of my weekly themes.

Where do you take the photos? What places interest you?
It depends on the subject. Sometimes it can be in the middle of the road, in the desert, in strange places, or on incredible street corners.

In the autumn you will be showing your work for the first time in an exhibition in Ibiza. What are your plans for after that?
I hope I can start the next step of #LoosingMyMind and reach other people with my project from this island – and why not use the experiences that the art world offers?

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