Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

To this day, Natanja Marija Grün, like so many others, spends the first five minutes after getting up on the photo app. On several days a week, the commuting student has two to four hours to edit new images using Instagram and VSCO directly on her Samsung S4 Mini for uploading. "I post regardless of time," she says, who developed a photography obsession since she got her first cell phone that could take "smart" photos, but has now relaxed. She mostly takes photos with her cell phone, but some of the portraits are also taken with an SLR camera.

@nma.g's feed actually contains photos of her and her closest friends: her oldest friend since childhood @estherwalnuss and her boyfriend @andthefuchs , which is why some of the photographer's dreamy portraits are also part of the gallery. Three words describe her pictures, the 3 C's, she says: "city, cooking, coffee - a mixture of things that I like to look at myself." Natanja also models excellently with light and shadow, like many of her older role models, and literally sees her motifs in the square.

She is certain that Instagram is changing the way we see things: "Everything we learned in the past, the golden ratio and so on, has become obsolete with Instagram, it even contradicts the typical photographer's rules. The square offers other possibilities and angles for geometric and symmetrical compositions." In addition to the wide angle on Instagram, Natanja also loves the challenges and the community.

At MeetUps, the “aha” moment is sometimes huge when she meets people she actually thinks she already knows, simply because all classes and age generations are represented. But to this day, the initial contacts remain important for @nma.g: “People I followed from the beginning…” The Media & Design Management student doesn’t have an overload yet and she hopes to be on the suggested user list one day.

@nma.g's favorite Instagrammers:
@greatbigwhale , @whatforbreakfast and @tobias___k

@nma.g is also on tumblr

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Jul 10, 2024