Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann
Hi Deni, it's nice talking to you! First, can you tell us a little about yourself? Who are you, where are you from, where do you live now? Tell us a little about your personal background!

I'm Deni Storm ( @denstorm on IG). I grew up in Arizona and California and moved to a charming little town in Wisconsin in 2002. I have 4 kids, 3 cats, an adorable puppy, and too many plants to count.

What exactly do you do for a living? When did you discover photography?

I fell in love with photography in college and never looked back. Now I'm a portrait photographer with my own studio and I specialize in high school students, families and portraits. I also run workshops where I teach people how to use the camera properly and take great, creative photos. I'm so lucky to be able to work and play with a medium that I love.

You seem to enjoy breathing new life into objects through creative means, which makes your images so colorful and beautiful to look at! How did you develop your style?

I dedicated myself to taking and posting a photo every single day and have done that for a few years. It has given me the opportunity to experiment and find my voice in my images. I play with objects and try to figure out what else they could look like. Most of the time I try to make myself laugh. I always think that if I smile, then surely others will too!

What inspires you and why?

Oh my. So much. Sometimes it's something stupid my kids say, or a little joke I think of, or the shape of a fruit in the supermarket. And of course, I'm inspired by the amazing variety of talent on Instagram.

Would you like to tell us a little about your creative process? How do you come up with your ideas? How do you edit your images?

I'm just playing. I just try to make whatever I work with interesting or funny. If it makes me laugh, then I'll take the image. I also love creating projects. Every December I have a Christmas tree project ( #my_month_holiday_cheer ), February is all about hearts ( #my_month_of_love_songs ), and I also have a #magic_tap series where anything can come out of the tap. My process for editing is pretty simple... I edit my images in Lightroom first - to clean up and crop them - then I finish them in VSCO, which makes the colors pop.

What do you like most about working with inanimate objects?

I love that they can be anything! Pretty much anything can be beautiful and interesting.

When and why did you start sharing your pictures on Instagram?

I saw a creative prompt on a blog I followed and thought "that sounds fun!" I took a spontaneous photo of a chair and shadows. I got 12 likes and thought that's great! My photos were getting reach and I was able to get feedback and see what was working and what wasn't. Then I found groups that were sharing new prompts daily and I couldn't stop.

Are there any specific messages you want to convey with your images?

Each of my paintings starts with an idea or a concept. I try to keep everything current and positive. Most of the time I want to make people laugh or think.

Do you have a favorite photo that you have shared? Can you tell us the story behind it?

My daughter has beautiful red hair and it's a great prop. One time I was playing with her hair and it started to look like a tree. So she laid down on a blue background for me and I cut out some little birds from black paper and put them on the "branches". It was simple and beautiful, and it was her.

What do you think about your IG community? Do you exchange a lot of ideas with them and maybe get new ideas that way?

I love my Instagram community! It inspires me every day! I have friends all over the world that I would never have met without Instagram. I was also able to be part of a mobile photography exhibition by Josh Johnson and @jjcommunity .

Can you tell us some of your favorite Instagrammers who inspire you?

I've had some fun collaborations with @j9mcc . @picturingjuj always makes me smile, as does @hanni.baumgardner . And I'm always amazed by the perfect designs from @kmsalvagedesign !

Do you still enjoy sending postcards?

Who doesn’t love doing that?! Postcards are the perfect way to brighten someone’s day!

Did you know about Pickmotion before our cooperation? If so, how did you find out about us?

I hadn't heard of Pickmotion until you reached out to me. So far it's been a wonderful collaboration to be a part of!

Would you like to share a little story or anecdote with us at the end? Feel free to tell us whatever comes to mind!

I'm sure it can't be easy living with a conceptual photographer. You never know what you'll find...bugs, colors, honey on everything, and those googly eyes everywhere! I'm so thankful my family is so accommodating. They were painted and had tons of things stuck to their faces. I couldn't take all these beautiful pictures without them!

Don't these pictures put a smile on your face? Share the joy with your loved ones and discover these and even more motifs from @denstorm in our online shop!

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