Aug 26, 2024Lorenz Hartmann
On May 14th just say thank you!

Every second Sunday in May is Mother's Day, when we honor all the women who raised us. It doesn't matter whether it's our biological mother, because adoptive mothers or bonus mothers are just as valuable! Of course, we also remember all the mothers who may no longer be with us, but who will always remain in our hearts. And all the other women we look up to can be like a mother to us and deserve a big thank you! And thank you for always having an open ear for us. For always loving and accepting us for the person we are and always being a great role model for us as we grew up.

ZG-1185-EN-KK, ZG-1267-DE-KK

We dedicate May 18th to the dads

Of course, father figures also play a big role in our lives! That's why on May 18th we're giving all the dads a few heartfelt words: for always holding our hand, cheering us on and supporting us. What would we be without the dads who rocked the parenting on their own or the bonus dads who are becoming the new family? Maybe you'll even be lucky enough to be able to express your love and gratitude to two dads at once!

And even though the fathers and mothers certainly know how much we love them, days like Mother's Day and Father's Day are lovely memories to give parents a hug and show them our appreciation. Whether in person or with a lovely card - it's nice to know that you are being thought of.


Would you also like to send your parents some kind words on their special day? Then browse through the shops this weekend and keep your eyes open for suitable PICKMOTION cards for Mother's and Father's Day! We wish you and all mothers and fathers all the best and lots of sunshine and love!

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