Aug 26, 2024Lorenz Hartmann
PICKMOTION tree planting campaign Vol. 2

Last year in May we met with the founders of Viva la Wald , Sebastian and Frederik, to strengthen a section of forest in Neuruppin with new tree seedlings. This year we have joined forces with them again and re-managed a section of forest in Beelitz: On April 19th, the PICKMOTION team pulled out their gardening gloves again and planted a total of 1250 new trees in the ground.

Healthy forests against climate change

An important undertaking, because German forests in particular consist mainly of monocultures. This means that the forest areas consist only of pine or spruce trees - both tree species that can only store a small amount of water and are therefore particularly dry. This makes them particularly vulnerable to pests or severe forest fires, which in turn lead to high levels of air pollution and cause huge emissions. This exact problem also occurred in the forest area in Beelitz, where a large fire destroyed an area of ​​around 800 hectares and destroyed a lot of habitat for plants and animals. What remains is a devastated and very dry area and only a few trees covered in a lot of soot. Reforestation campaigns such as this one by Viva la Wald have set themselves the task of restructuring and maintaining forest areas such as this. Individuals and companies can support this endeavor and get involved themselves - and that is exactly what we have done again this year!

Trees in the name of our customers

In total, we have planted 1250 new tree seedlings in the ground, representing our customers, whom we have welcomed since January 2022 and will welcome later this year. When planting, care was taken to plant seedlings from different tree species, because only species-rich mixed forests lead to a healthy forest. The forest section has now been fenced off to protect it from rodents and has been marked with a sign. Sebastian and Frederik from Viva la Wald will continue to care for the forest section to guarantee safe growth for the future. Of course, you can also visit the new PICKMOTION forest at any time and watch it grow!

Every contribution counts to improve our climate. On behalf of our customers, we have been able to make our forests a little healthier and would like to encourage everyone to give something back to our environment. Visit Viva la Wald and plant one or more trees with their help or find other ways to do something good for our world - for us and future generations!

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