23 years ago, Felix Verspohl set up the „Papierhaus“ under the name „Papierbedarf für Umweltbewusste“, selling only recycling paper to raise an environmental awareness. 13 years later it became the „Papierhaus“ and „Cailun“. Since then a lot changed, for example the extension of the products, but still the environment is a main emphasis. The „Papierhaus“ is the likable shop in your neighborhood where you collect the cards, you can order in the accompanying online shop „Cailun“. The name of the online shop has a special meaning. „Cailun“ is the name of a Chinese eunuch who developed the paper making out of cotton remains.
The focus of „Papierhaus“ is on the beautiful things, simple ones and special ones, including notebooks, writing instruments, a big range of postcards, presents and wrapping. That’s how they want to make their customers happy who sometimes browse around for over an hour. Another important project for the shop is to provide stationery for local schools, for example the Teltow- primary school in Schöneberg.
The shop is a family business, what might be an exception nowadays, says Aina Verspol, who works in the shop of her parents. She tells us that „Papierhaus“ was one of the first working with Pickmotion because they always have a look on young interesting start ups in Berlin. „Pickmotion is young, modern and has a retro charme that we like a lot.“ Also the Berlin cards from Pickmotion are a good alternative for the classic cards for tourists. Aina furthermore appreciates the boost of the career Pickmotion provides for young instagramers.
Anna’s favorite card is ZG-0348, because she is a big turtle fan.
Website of Papierhaus Cailun
Belziger Str. 18
Schöneberg, 10823 Berlin
Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10-18