Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

Hello, Judith. We're excited to finally get to know you better. Let's start with the basics.

Which city do you live in? Is it a source of inspiration for your photos?

I have lived in Barcelona all my life, a city with a lot of art and design culture. I studied graphic design but soon realized that I was most interested in photography. My first photos were taken with an analog Nikon F60 SLR camera and I soon became curious to experiment with other cameras such as Holga, Diana or Polaroid. With these cameras I could play more with light, colors and double or multiple lighting.

Is your daily job related to photography? Does it influence the way you look at things outside of your work projects?

The first few years I worked for some advertising agencies and design studios, but I soon realized that I was not satisfied with that. For the last 4 years I have dedicated myself entirely to photography (my great passion) and collaborated with different brands, developing creative ideas and personal projects that allow me to grow personally and professionally.

Your photos are often so beautifully minimalist. How did you get into photography and do you think your eye for minimalism is a personal approach or something that can be learned?

I think my minimalist eye for detail is a result of studying graphic design. I learned to look at things closely and to perceive my surroundings closely, so that I was able to create my own language that I feel very comfortable with and that I can identify with.

Without a doubt, I believe that everything, or almost everything, can be learned, including an artistic style that reduces its forms of expression to a minimum.

Your very first picture on Instagram shows your camera collection. Do you still shoot analogue? Also instant photography? How often?

As I mentioned at the beginning of the interview, my first steps in photography were more analogue and over the years I have expanded my camera collection. But it is true that I have neglected analogue photography with the advent of the digital age. However, I would like to return to it soon because it is a completely different world in which you can play more. It is totally experimental and intuitive, especially the light and colour, which are perhaps the aspects of photography that interest me the most.

How do you feel about the Instagram network and community? Has it changed over the years? Any IGers that have become close friends?

This spring marks five years since I landed in this amazing community, and I have to say that from the very beginning I was impressed by how people interact with each other and how easy it is to connect with other people all over the world - everyone has different styles, but at the same time is so similar.

Of course there have been changes, some for the better and others that I didn't like as much, but all changes serve the purpose of growth and change.

One of the best things about Instagram is the closeness it brings you to such wonderful people. Some of my friendships are growing even though I haven't been able to meet them because of distance, but I hope that one day that will change.

A recurring motif in your feed is photos of bird formations. What do you like most about these animals?

Hehe...Ay! My dear birdies

I started observing them and falling in love with them when I started analogue photography almost 20 years ago! They give me a lot of peace and freedom when I observe them. And in terms of aesthetics, I find the shapes that form in a moving swarm just beautiful.

The colors in your pictures are so magical and dreamy. Do you retouch a lot or is it the light?

Thank you so much for the compliment! Photo editing is another area I love and I spend a lot of time retouching the images I upload to my Instagram feed. Light and color are important to me in communicating through photography.

You often have interesting quotes or song lyrics in your captions. Do you have a favorite poet or author? What was the first song on your playlist today?

It's true, most of my photos are accompanied by a line from a songwriter or poet. I have enough favorites to quote them all, but some of my favorite bands are: U2, The Smiths, Yan Tiersen, Explosions in the Sky, Moby, The Cure, Radiohead, Tame Impala. And as for poets and writers: Hermann Hesse, Miquel Martí i Pol, Nayyirah Waheed, Mario Benedetti

My soundtrack of today...Postcards from Italy from Beirut.

Any plans for the future? Projects you want to tackle, places you want to travel to?

I would like to learn other areas of photography that I don't know yet and develop creative projects. And my other great passion is traveling, uffff! I have a huge list of places I would like to visit: Iceland, Brazil, Jordan, Chile, Vietnam, Route 66, New York and San Francisco, Namibia... the list goes on and on ;)

How was it, did you know Pickmotion before we worked together? How would you describe our products? Do you like writing postcards?

I first discovered you on Instagram and started following Pickmotion and your projects with photos from Instagram photographers in Polaroid format. I found the concept very interesting and fresh, I love the idea of ​​greeting cards and the presentation of different artists.

Definitely yes!!! I am one of those who still writes greeting cards and postcards and I love not forgetting this tradition.

Do you print your photos or use them to decorate your home?

A bit of both.

I have several limited edition photo series for sale on various platforms. In my home you can see some of my own stuff, but mostly works by other artists: illustrators and photographers that I admire.

Last but not least, we want to know what inspires you the most. Which three IG accounts do you think are a must-follow?

I am inspired by the Instagrammers whose work conveys sensitivity, passion, creativity, light and color. Some accounts I fell in love with: Caroline South , Yosigo , Conni Koscina .

Thank you very much!


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