Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

The person behind @lizzie.bear 's lens is Fran Laurendeau. She's from Montreal but now lives in Ottawa, Ontario. Shortly after our first questions, Fran explains that her professional background is in computer science, not photography.

“But I've always had a creative side. When my dad gave me a camera, I was hooked. It's a hobby I've enjoyed for as long as I can, but I only started photographing my dogs a few years ago.”

Your Instagram feed is dedicated to your two loving dogs Lizzie and Ally. How did the idea come about to create an account for them?

I started it for fun and started by taking photos of my previous golden retriever. Her name was Nellie and she was my first muse. My passion for photography then developed over the years as my Instagram account grew.

Fran adds that they have always had dogs in the family, but her heart belongs to Golden Retrievers because of their friendly nature. “They are very loving and constant companions. I can't imagine my life without them.”

I had a dog myself in the past and it's a mystery to me how you manage to photograph not just one, but two dogs at the same time. What's your trick?

The trick is to use treats and positive reinforcement! My girls are food driven so treats always work. We always make photo shoots a positive experience and never a stressful or negative one so they know it will be fun.

Can you explain how you come up with your ideas and how you then turn them into final images?

It's a little difficult to explain. Sometimes an idea just comes to me and the more I think about it, the more it develops into a photoshoot. Other than that, I often see something that inspires me and I try to find a way to make it my own, adding a unique and personal touch to it.
I like to try to capture moments or expressions that evoke emotion, or seasonal subjects. Here in Canada we have four very different seasons, so the landscape is always changing.

Can you tell our readers a little more about Lizzie and Ally’s personalities?

They are very different. Lizzie is the more affectionate of the two, but she is also the naughtier one, getting involved in things she knows she shouldn't!
Ally is also very affectionate and she loves to play with balls and sticks. In that respect, she is more of a true retriever.

Do you have a favorite photo of the two of them? If so, what's the story behind it?

It's hard to say, but when I like a photo in particular, it often changes when I take another great shot. Some of my favorite shots are those where I was lucky enough to capture a moment that evokes certain emotions.

Let's talk for a moment about the Christmas season that just passed. Does your natural environment offer you more opportunities to enjoy a magical and feather-white landscape at this time of year?

Absolutely! We got snow in mid-December and everything started to look like a winter wonderland! Fantastic.

Scrolling through your beautiful snowy and frosty pictures, one gets the impression that winter and Christmas time is one of your favorites. Is that so?

I love snowy shots, but our winters are so cold here that it can be difficult to take photos outside when it's -25°C and your hands are freezing. My favorite season is actually fall because of the beautiful colors.

Could you tell us some anecdotes or fun facts about Lizzie and Ally?

Most people don't know that Lizzie was adopted when she was two years old! We had just lost our older Golden Retriever lady Nellie and a few weeks later I saw a message from a breeder who was giving up a female because she couldn't breed her as she had planned (she had failed her hip test). Her real name was Maizie. I went to visit her and it was love at first sight. Two weeks later she came home with us and we renamed her Lizzie.

Also, people often confuse the two since they look so similar! I always say the trick is to look at their noses! Lizzie has a black nose and Ally has a much lighter, browner nose. There are other differences, but this is the easiest to spot!

You once quoted Maya Angelou, poet and civil rights activist, in one of your posts. Do you support a cause? If so, what is it?

I have a strong sense of responsibility for the environment and am against animal cruelty. I have shared my views on this several times.

How do you feel about the Instagram community you're building? Do you often interact or collaborate with other Instagrammers?

It's a wonderful community because the dog/pet community on Instagram is actually very close-knit. Most of us know each other from regular chats and some of us have even met in person.

If you are interested in more stories and background information from our PICKMOTION photographers, read more in our #pckphototalks on the blog.

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