Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

Good morning! I'm interested in what you do on a typical Monday morning - are you a full-time photographer?

Hello. A typical morning includes coffee (with friends), people watching, long walks, good weather and of course photography. I am a full-time photographer with a theater background. My passion is people, travel and architecture.

Through your eyes, Cluj stands out with its many colors. Where do you drink your coffee? How do you keep a good perspective on things?

I love drinking my coffee in the city. It's just nice to sit somewhere, sip your delicious coffee and feel the rhythm of the city. Yolka, Olivo and Doamna are my favorite coffee shops in Cluj-Napoca, check them out when you're there!

To answer your second question, I have to say that I love exploring places. I have no fear when it comes to sneaking into a backyard and I am constantly curious to explore everything around me, whether it's architecture, people or moments.

Would you say it is a romantic city or is romance just in the eye of the beholder?

Yes, I think you can see a touch of romance. It is a very charming city. You notice this especially when you walk through the old town with its small cobbled streets and suddenly smell a cherry that leads you into a hidden backyard to explore the area for hours. Such moments are somehow romantic, so yes, Cluj-Napoca is a romantic place. Tip: I recommend taking a nighttime walk through the old town (with your loved one). It is definitely an unforgettable experience.

What do you like about churches? And which is your favorite church?

The silence that the buildings radiate is what makes it so interesting for me. You can always go there to sort out your thoughts, regardless of your religious beliefs. For me, a church is an urban oasis where you can listen to the silence and forget your worries.

Do you press the shutter button impulsively or do you wait for the perfect moment to take a photo?

It totally depends on the situation, but I usually do both. When you're looking for the perfect moment you have to be very patient. Sometimes it takes hours before you can take the first photo, but often it's worth it.

Or, for example, you're just visiting a friend and suddenly something so special happens that you barely have time to get your camera out and take the photo.

Your pictures are very geometric. Did you learn this style of photography somewhere?

I'm not sure if it's something I've learned. I can't imagine how I could pass it on to someone, I suppose it's something I feel.

Do you often go to the Botanical Garden? Where else do you get your Zen from?

Yes, I love this place. It's also something I always recommend to everyone who goes on holiday here. The greenhouses are fantastic.

My Zen? That's an interesting question. I don't think I need much to be happy. I just love moments. I always remember to breathe. I think that's important.

I saw that you dream on dreamophone.com . Tell me about a dream that took place in Cluj.

Yes. A great initiative from two of the nicest people I know.
I remember once dreaming that Unirii Square was being converted into a huge airport. I was sitting in the plane waiting to take off. Through the window I saw Saint Michael's Church a few meters away. The church had a glass elevator that took people up to the tower. It looked like a business center, all very futuristic. As the plane took off I thought: "What if the world is one big company and God is the CEO.

And finally, I'm curious. Do you see yourself growing old in the city?

I'm not sure. Even though I'm very connected to this city, I never make plans. Let's see what life brings...

Thank you very much! Keep us updated:)

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