Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

@loewe7 came to Instagram via his iPhone and then to photography via Instagram. He took part in the largest Instameet in Europe in 2014 by chance because he was doing an internship in Berlin at the time - but this coincidence made him more active and slowly made the platform his own. From 2015 onwards, Thai went on regular walks, travelled to Hamburg, Frankfurt and Hanover and started posting every day.

@loewe7's style is characterized by the search for photogenic urban locations, often placing friends or random passers-by next to them to get an idea of ​​scale. Many of his shots are characterized by strong colors, others are careful light and shadow compositions, always with clear lines and oriented towards the masculine minimal ideal. He finds iconic corners of a city, far from prominent landmarks.

He is now one of the Samsung photographers and regularly tests Samsung and Canon, but tries not to delve too deeply into the commercial depths of the platform, instead only picking out interesting jobs such as traveling for the tourist office in Norderney or for the SOHO hotel. Thai edits his pictures with apps such as vcso, snapsees and skrwt. "Every morning I spend an hour editing my photos."

Thai describes himself as a "Hanoi soul"; he loves the lively, noisy metropolitan region of his homeland, where it would be difficult to achieve the emptiness of his German photos. Strangely enough, he finds a hidden similarity to Hanoi in Berlin: the large Vietnamese community, the diversity and the communist past are calming similarities that help overcome any hint of homesickness. @loewe7 only flies to his distant homeland every two years and indeed: a little of the urban minimalism can be found in the sporadic dream images from Vietnam.

4 questions for @loewe7 – Listen to the podcast with Thai!

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@loewe7's favorite Instagrammer:

@urbanentdecker_ , @juancamiloberlin , @juicylucyham , @lennertmadou , @monaris_ ,
@konaction , @massju , @446i , @locarl , @benedettodemaio , @efi_o , @thatsval

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