Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

The last few weeks have not been easy for any of us and we have had to and still have to limit our social contacts. But that doesn't stop us from thinking of our loved ones. On the contrary - we miss them all the more and are finding creative ways in the digital world to talk to them, spend game nights together or even have parties. But how about a little handwritten, encouraging surprise, especially for those of our loved ones who are more offline than online? A nice postcard would be a nice touch. Our #postcardsofthemonth are the ideal messenger to send your loved ones some good vibes in these times.

Just send some lovely, flowery greetings. Who wouldn't be happy to receive a few kind words and beautiful flowers? A postcard like this would be a lovely surprise for grandparents or loved ones who can't be with us right now. Or an encouraging postcard for those who are a little more worried or alone. "Good vibes" are still everywhere, you just need to be reminded to see them. After the rain comes the sun and even the rain itself can be magical. So send some good vibes or encouraging balloons, because balloons always put you in a good mood.

ZG-0219-EN | ZG-0254-EN | ZG-0448-EN

Wait and see. Not that this is a miracle cure, but a little "Positivitea" can't hurt. With a few kind and encouraging handwritten words, this card is the ideal messenger to send your loved ones positive energy and put a smile on their faces. If you want to let your partner, with whom you currently spend almost 24 hours a day, know that you work wonderfully together, he or she would definitely be happy to receive this little messenger that you enjoy it so much, that you are a strong and cool team "better together".

ZG-0824-EN | ZG-0842-EN

So stay positive and optimistic, enjoy the opportunities you have and spread a little positivity. Get postcards and send good vibes to your loved ones, your friends and the rest of the world! – #WriteItAgain

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