Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann
Hi Martina! Thank you for taking the time for us! First, would you like to tell us a bit about yourself? Who are you, where are you from, where do you live now? Tell us a bit about your personal background!

Hi, you're welcome! My name is Martina, on Instagram you can find me as @bergermargaret . By the way, Margarete is my middle name, which sometimes causes confusion (laughs).
I am 33 years old and live in a small village in the south of Austria. I studied applied cultural studies. Music, Finland and photography are my greatest passions.

When did you discover photography? Are you a full-time photographer?

I can still remember it very well, it was 2008 - while looking for an internship, I came across a cultural association in Graz that reported on concerts and festivals. I applied to be a concert photographer and can still remember the feeling when I stood in a photo pit for the first time - I knew straight away that I wanted to do this professionally. So it didn't just stay for a one or two month internship, I was an active, voluntary member for years and photographed more than 100 concerts and a few festivals.

Photography is also currently part of my job - I work in PR & Marketing, create graphics and videos, organize trade fair appearances, manage social media channels and much more. My love of photography and my visual sense have also helped me advance professionally.

You seem to particularly enjoy sharing beautiful snapshots from nature on your Instagram profile. Does nature have a special meaning for you?

Nature plays an important role in my life, especially because it is a place of relaxation and retreat for me. My father and grandfather were foresters when they were young, so I often went into the forest with him as a child. I still like to go out into the forest alone and enjoy the peace and quiet - I can really switch off, think and often make important decisions.

Is nature also a source of inspiration for you? Where else do you find inspiration?

Yes, nature is certainly one of the greatest sources of inspiration for me. Be it the color combinations, the patterns and shapes, the arrangements (Fibonacci spiral), but also the variety and diversity fascinate me.

Another source of inspiration is Finland – there is also a lot of nature there (laughs), but also a lot of creativity. In general, I like Nordic and Scandinavian minimalism and the Danish concept of hygge. I just can't get Finland out of my head, and you can find Finnish elements in many photos.

Your pictures have a very calming effect and make you happy at first glance! In which moments do you feel particularly happy?

Thank you very much for the lovely compliment, I'm very happy to hear it! The small but beautiful moments of everyday life enchant me the most! I'm generally a positive and grateful person, but I also like to help myself a little. There are things that you can't influence, but you can make life a little more beautiful with little things - be it a cup of tea or cocoa, a walk, your favorite TV series, candlelight or music. I try to convey that in my pictures too.

Although I am very introverted and shy, I have to admit that it is people who make moments perfect. Many beautiful moments happen spontaneously - special connections are often formed. For example, I remember a woman who gave me two felted lucky charms before my cello performance, even though we were seeing each other for the first time, or the big surprise party for my 30th birthday at the institute, organized by my lovely colleagues with whom I worked at the university. Often it is the smallest gestures, like kind words or a smile, that make me happy.

Can you tell us more about your creative process? Do you like to plan your images in advance or do you prefer to take photos spontaneously? Is there anything you pay particular attention to?

The nature photos are always taken spontaneously, often in the garden, sometimes in the forest. But light plays a big role in my photographs. I prefer to take backlit photos because they show off the details so beautifully. I really like taking authentic photos in natural light - the process is rounded off with minimal image editing in Adobe Lightroom; Photoshop is actually used very rarely.

By the way, I also love taking photos when I travel - I'm always excited when I can explore places I haven't been before. When everything is new and waiting to be discovered, it's really easy to find great photo subjects. The unknown inspires me; it helps me to look at things differently and find unusual perspectives.

Image series for collaborations are often conceptual and planned in advance. So far I have been very lucky to work with companies that have not restricted me in the creative process and have trusted my ideas completely.

Two of your pictures made it into our calendar series "Botanicals"! Do you actually like using calendars yourself or can you keep track of all your appointments in your head?

I'm really excited about the new collaboration, as calendars are a very important tool for me. I admit that I'm a pretty chaotic person, but I try to keep it as secret as possible (laughs).

I have to meet a lot of deadlines in my job, so I use a digital calendar. My daily work tasks are also entered in a pocket calendar. At home, I like to use monthly planners to note birthdays and track a variety of things. And of course, a calendar with beautiful, large pictures is a must - the Botanicals calendar is in our kitchen.

Botanicals Calendar KM-0105-DE & Botanicals Planner KS-0105-DE

When and why did you start sharing your pictures on Instagram?

I have to look it up now - that was in 2014, but I rarely shared pictures then - I think 2018 would be a more accurate answer. You have to imagine that I live in a very small village with around 190 inhabitants - I'm still fascinated by the fact that I can reach people from many parts of the world from here. I see my account as a personal space for my ideas that I can curate myself. Wonderful opportunities have already arisen - not only collaborations with favorite companies, but also nice contacts, winning photo competitions and travel opportunities.

Do you have a favorite photo that you have shared? Can you tell us the story behind it?

That's a difficult question - I love taking photos that tell a personal story, but I think my favorite is this nature photo that wasn't planned at all. I wanted to go for a little walk; luckily I had my camera with me when the fog and morning light met in the forest. I was overwhelmed by this magical spectacle and ran as fast as I could to capture the beautiful moment. That was also a special kind of happiness that I felt at that moment.

What do you think about your IG community? Are you close to them and do you enjoy exchanging ideas with them?

My community is the reason why I like being on Instagram. Over the years, great friendships have developed that don't just end in private messages, but have often also moved into private environments.

I sometimes get postcards and even birthday presents from my community - my community is small, but it encourages and supports me and I am really grateful to be in contact with so many creative people. A few of my pictures have been turned into illustrations or drawings by my followers, last year I also started a small community project and was amazed that even a few people took part (smiles).

Can you tell us some of your favorite Instagrammers who particularly inspire you?

@dreamingofmidsummer – Nina’s photos and illustrations are often inspired by Vienna and invite you to dream.

@anastasia.tasou – I discovered Anastasia's art years ago on Instagram - some of her products can also be found in my photos.

@juliatrotti - when it comes to photo editing, Julia has been inspiring me for many years.

Did you know about Pickmotion before our cooperation? If so, how did you find out about us?

Yes, of course I knew about Pickmotion - I was already enthusiastic about your Polaroid style and your beautiful motifs before the collaboration! I was particularly taken with the postcards with the dog motifs. It had long been a wish of mine to be able to contribute a photo for a Pickmotion postcard - for this reason I actively participated in your hashtag challenges. In 2019 the time had come and I received the first collaboration request from you. I am still amazed when I discover my card in a shop. I would of course be very happy to receive more postcards and collaboration requests from you.

Do you still like writing postcards yourself?

I find handwriting fascinating and am always happy when someone takes the time to write a postcard - perhaps because I am a visual and emotional person. When I was young, I wrote a lot of letters, but now I almost only write postcards, little notes or thank-you notes.


Would you like to share a little story or anecdote with us at the end? Feel free to tell us whatever comes to mind!

A photo is not just a photo, but often - as with any other art form - there is much more to it. Unfortunately, in our society, success is often equated with profit and I am also asked quite often about the benefit of my photography. In most cases, my photos have no practical or classic use, but they do have emotional value. A world without photography or music would be bleak and I think it's nice that there are areas of life that follow their own standards. Since we have already talked a lot about happiness today, I would like to end our interview with the following quote: "If you are happy with what you do, no one can tell you that you are not successful."

Botanicals Calendar KM-0105-DE & Botanicals Planner KS-0105-DE

Visit Martina on Instagram and let her gorgeous pictures take you on a journey! If you want to have her pictures in your home, then get our Botanicals calendar , which contains two of her photos! Find out more about our calendars in the blog post written by Martina!

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