Aug 26, 2024Lorenz Hartmann
For this you need:
  • A lid (just choose a lid from any reusable glass)
  • Walnuts
  • Glue (a hot glue gun works best)
  • a candle
For decoration:

This is where you can get creative and play around. Choose your favorite colors and use things you already have at home. Small flowers and plant leaves are also a nice idea. We simply used some of the leftover Christmas decorations.

Tip: Before you start, make sure the lid is slightly larger than the candle you want to put in it.

Here's how:

Lay the lid out on your work surface (you may want to cover the table with newspaper or something similar) and use the hot glue gun to glue the first row to the outer edge of the lid. Make sure the walnuts are really well glued to the sides by pressing them firmly together with your fingers for a few seconds.

Wait a moment for the glue to dry before you start the second row. Then glue the second row of walnuts between the empty spaces in the first row. Wait again until everything has dried and repeat the process a third time.

Once all three rows are glued and dry, it's time to decorate! You can use glue for this too, but you can also just stick your elements between the walnuts. The glue ensures that nothing falls out and lasts longer. We started with small pine branches and then stuck dried flowers into the small holes. Now all you need is your favorite candle and your cozy candle holder is ready!

And that's how easy it is to make a beautiful candle holder with real winter vibes! Place it in your living room, kitchen or bedroom and enjoy a cozy evening! We hope you have fun making it. Feel free to share your candle holder with us on Instagram by tagging us with @pickmotion !

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