As a self-taught photographer she started off with doing a lot more family sessions but soon figured out that she enjoys many different types of photography. “I couldn’t just shoot one single subject, as I would get bored.”, she says. “I like to learn, and master, new photography techniques.” This includes time stack photography as well as stilllifes and a technique called bokeh panorama.
In her Instagram-feed you mostly find photos of animals, cities or landscapes. When asked about this, she tells us how much she loves to take photos of the city. “I love to capture the beauty of our city, even if it is fogged in or it’s a wet and snowy day – or even just nature in the city.” It also gives her the opportunity to delve into the beauty of the different seasons – moody summerdays with thundery skies, the unique colours in spring and autumn and even the lovely winter light (“though it can be hard on the fingers with the cold temperatures”).
Of course, she also enjoys taking photos when travelling and while she uses her Instagram mostly to share her other photography, she does work in human photography, too. Visit her website to marvel at some of this work!
Although Holly consideres taking photos of humans easier, she especially loves shooting animals, waiting for that perfect moment. “I love showing their personalities, and I also love the challenge, as it is not always easy to get the shot you are after.” Additionally, it brings her joy to cheer up her followers through animal photography.
However, her furry friends aren’t always cooperative, she admits. In some ways, it is a little easier to work with her dog Oliver as dogs generally are easier to train and so far she also did spent more time in his training than in the ones from Alice and Finnegan, her cats. They still do more than well if you ask us though!
About her photographic style, Holly tells us how it has evolved over time and it’ll continue to do so. “You need to see the world in your own way”, she says, “and you also need to have a strong skill in processing the final image. Many people have commented to me that they know it’s my photo before seeing my name.” While she loves photography, she still consideres it a challenging profession. “I’m not sure what I would do if I could go back in time. Maybe I’d have photography more as a sideline/hobby”, she confides in us.