Since when are you on Instagram?
I don’t remember the exact date but my guess would be two and a half years. Though I have been extremely active since 2014.
Have you been taking photos before Instagram?
Yes, I used to take a lot of pictures, but Instagram changed my perspective!
This is part of My DoorOfMumbai series where I wish to focus only on the neglected yet diverse architecture of the city of Mumbai.
How did you discover photography?
As a child, I used to borrow my uncles 24mm Yashica and ever since photography has been a weird passion. When living in Berlin, my house was broken into, and all my memories stolen. That day I decided to take a picture of everything around me so that when I leave Berlin, the memories would forever remain. That’s when I came across Instagram.
Did you somehow study photography formally?
No, I am self taught.
Colonial architecture and a pastel arch! Perfect backdrop for a picture! But incomplete without my friend who’s sitting there adding life to the entire image!
What makes the difference between time before being put on the suggested user list and after (besides the many many new followers)?
None. I am always experimenting and doing things the way I want. I do not believe in a particular style. Every picture should be more innovative than the previous one.
What are you doing in Mumbai?
I am a Social Media Consultant and help brands come up with innovative ideas for Social Media Content. Apart from that I am working on my photo project called Doors of Mumbai ( which is about the various forms of architecture synonymous to the city.
Painted lies. Emotional drama in the name of love. When in reality it only perishes us.
Why is Mumbai an inspiring town to you?
Mumbai is a city which was built upon dreams and now overshadowed by chaos. It is a challenge to take minimal pictures here and portray the city as it could have been. Everything in the city has a story and each story is an inspiration.
Your images are often quite mysterious and tell hidden stories – can you describe the process of how your images develop?
I am happy to build that mystery around my pictures! Most of the pictures though are quite spontaneous. I find myself in a place with a person and then I try to capture an image such that it depicts the exact opposite of what the real situation might be.
My friend in the picture is a Japanese chef. When we took this picture as she was waiting for the fishing boat to remain. Idea was ‘Fresh Sushi!’. But eventually I had to give it a dark feel. She said it looks like Stanley Kubrik’s work!
By the way you often add short aphorisms – why?
People often feel scared to accept the truth. A picture combined with words helps them embrace it better. A picture with an aphorism helps me at times convey my feelings better!
Which role portraits play in your work?
Portraits are a very delicate matter and I feel that if a portrait doesn’t capture the deeper emotions of the moment then it isn’t a portrait at all. My focus would always be on the eyes of the person!
The friend in this picture is the owner of this warehouse. She is a curator of antique furniture and artefacts. Here we used a naturally lit corner in the warehouse to bring out the depth of the room and focused on her pretty smile
Is the Instagram-community in Mumbai vital? Which Igers from the city should we follow?
Instagram is slowly picking up in Mumbai and many people are using it as an excuse to come closer to their surroundings and seeing more than they usually did. How about @doorsofmumbai
Who are your heros on Instagram?
Heros. Hmmm. Let me think. So without blinking my eyes I will say: @berlinstagram, @lindaberlin, @marielleko_, @konaction, @palomaparrot, @ellamsinger, @irina_jwd, @muenchmax, @santiagopgm.
I was doing a series called cultural crossover, with a girl as the main protagonist. This idea came to me when Malala won the Nobel Prize. It depicts the power of words when asked to live in silence.
What are opportunities and possibilities for you to use Instagram?
I think the best thing about Instagram is the ability to showcase a variety of your work to a wider audience. Sometimes I feel Instagram can do better to promote the users they have neglected. But otherwise I do agree that it has changed a lot not just for me but many others.
How does mobile photography change photography as a whole but also stilistically and artistically in your opinion?
I find it incorrect to say that mobile photography changes the artistic style of photography. For me, the true artists are still the ones who shoot analog.
Part of the same series: Cultural Crossover. The girl is sitting in the attic, playing with bangle, which are to be adorned while going out. But why she is stuck there is left to the imagination.