Blue sky, sunshine, rich green and many bright colours of the flowers. Now and then a gentle rainbow after a summer rain, but above all, you can see rainbow flags. It is pride month. CSD events (Christopher Street Day) take place all over the world and of course, we also have the right PICKMOTION postcards that fit perfectly with the feeling of pride. Keep it for yourself, send it to your loved ones, friends and others as a reminder of how important this topic is. Or make strangers an unexpected surprise and just give away a PICKMOTION card to someone unknown on the street and share the appreciation of diversity with the world around you.
Diversity in life is something wonderful and therefore it should be celebrated and lived everywhere and by everyone, in every area of life. Empowerment, solidarity and acceptance play an important role – especially in the current #blacklivesmatter movement. Serious topics which as creatively packaged messages in our PICKMOTION postcards ensure positive Moments that matter. Good vibes are all we want – for everyone – and should there be any disagreements, we can settle them together like adults but let us stay playful.
Everyone has the right to be themselves, to be as and who they are in all their facets. We think it is important to always encourage each other to follow their own dreams, never give up, support each other, learn from each other and accept who and how we are – without harming others. We wish for a diverse world full of good vibes and see our PICKMOTION postcards as little messengers for the moments that matter – no matter how small or big these moments are.