Whether as a beautiful bouquet or a mesmerizing sea of flowers – simply by looking at these delicate and colorful blossoms we feel joyful and positive feelings awake in us. Surely this is also one of the reasons why flowers of all kinds are a popular motif among photographers. This is also the case with the wonderful Instagrammer Martina (aka @bergermarget): She loves to walk barefoot through her garden, watch the flowers grow and capture their uniqueness with her camera. On her Instagram account, she likes to share these images and the joy of nature with all of us. Needless to say, Martina has also enchanted PICKMOTION with her photographs which is why we are more than happy to have printed two of her images in our new calendar collection "Blütenzauber". Her photographs can even be admired directly on the cover of the wall calendar and - our brand-new format - the family planner.
With the calendar collection “Blütenzauber” your year will be accompanied with wonderful close-ups and snapshots from nature. The motifs are a beautiful reminder of the wonders and magic of nature – especially, when the warm season comes to an end and many flowers slowly start to wither. Every month a new plant decorates the wall and gives the room a new, warm atmosphere that fits to the season. All the images come from talented Instagrammers from all over the world who share their pictures on Instagram and create beautiful products like these in cooperation with us - no matter if they work professionally in photography or not. Two of the twelve images in this calendar series are from @bergermargaret, but you can also find photographs from other Instagrammers such as @natur_treu, @jul1186 or @sigridsminde.
Next to the beautiful motifs, our planners and family planners also cover mindful sayings that remind you to enjoy the little things in life and give yourself some time to breathe. In addition, both planners offer columns (three or five depending on the product) for you to write on, so you can keep all your plans organized and on track. Decide for yourself if you want to use all the columns for yourself or share them with your family or roommates. Of course, the calendars are also a practical and beautiful gift for your loved ones.
Order your calendar, planner or family planner now in our online shop or at a store nearby! With every purchase you also support the photographers who work with us on the product. All pictures from this blogpost are taken by @bergermargaret, who has also written a beautiful blogpost on her website - be sure to check her out!