Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

Could you briefly introduce yourself, who you are and where you come from?

Hi, my name is Hannes, I'm already 32 years old. Wow, it all started with me and PICKMOTION in 2014. More on that later. Since then, I've celebrated my birthday on 4 continents and I'm aiming to celebrate getting older on the other three continents by the time I turn 40. I came up with this wish last year in Bali. As you can see, it's not really easy to categorize me geographically. I lived in Berlin from 2008 to 2017 and was already traveling a lot during that time, but I've changed this concept since the separation 3 years ago and have been without a permanent residence since then. I'm answering the questions in my hometown of Rehna, where I was appointed house and garden supervisor for a week. To be honest, I'd like to live in one place again from autumn. Most likely in Cologne for a while.

What do you do for a living and how does it relate to your photography?

I like to capture love with my photos. It probably sounds really cheesy, but that's exactly how I feel, and my intention. On the one hand, it's influenced by the weddings I've been attending for 7 years now, and on the other hand, because I like to show people how they follow their passion or to inspire more love. I actually have nothing to do with religion, but at the core, the world religions are right that it would be desirable to feel more love and respect in the world. I like to make this feeling of charity, love for oneself and the things we create visible. That's my job. In times of this year's crisis, I actually had the thought that a little security would be nice. A steady income from a regular job, but somehow I haven't seen any advertisements for a feel-good manager yet. In the end, I pick up my camera because I like meeting people.

When and how did you start photography? How has your style developed over time?

To avoid telling the story of my first camera, I'll jump forward a few years. 2007, high school graduation. I was already taking photos at school events, and at some point also for the newspaper to accompany my texts. Photos weren't that important back then. I love writing. Then I studied applied media management with a focus on sports journalism. Oh yes, I also took on the design of the graduation newspapers for the school-leaving classes after me. Back then I was still completely ignorant of Photoshop and I was pulling all night long trying to meet the printing deadline. For a while I then introduced the idea that the newspaper was only complete once the graduation ball had been held. So by this point my passion for photos, texts and design was already well established.

Thanks to my now great best friend Farina, it became clear that photography is our gift and talent for the world out there. We abandoned our foray into web design and corporate design due to a lack of talent in the creative metropolis of Berlin and concentrated entirely on photos. I bought my first, own, really professional camera in June 2014. A proud moment. At the time, Farina had the 5D Mark II from Canon. I then had the Mark III until I left it on the street in Wedding this year. Unfortunately, the entire camera bag was gone by then.

As for the style. Phew, interesting question. I still really like the VSCO M5 filter on Instagram. I tried to get away from it for a while. It didn't work because I just like the warm tones. The look of the images in my feed is different from commissioned work. I prefer to give bridal couples very natural photos. So without major color shifts - #Nerdtalk. Last summer I dared to take analogue snapshots with an old Canon. Blurry images are also part of the portfolio. Basically it's about the feeling and real emotions, less about the staging. That's how I would describe the development in my visual language.

What inspires you? And why?

Every visit to Instagram gives me new inspiration and ideas. I have fundamentally discovered my own visual language and still like to try out new perspectives or lighting moods every now and then. Breaking old habits is not that easy. Leaving your comfort zone is the reason for looking for inspiration.

As you can see from your feed, you love to travel, enjoy being with other people and sometimes have a soft spot for old cars – how do you best combine the two?

The motifs listed remind me of a great afternoon in Cape Town last winter. The four of us drove out of the city in an old Mercedes for a wine tasting and chose the beautiful route along the sea for the way back, while the sun was setting in the sea and the moon appeared next to Lions Head. I like old cars as a motif, that's true. They create a special flair and tell a story through their design. In short: for me, all of this can be combined best in Cape Town.


Does the place you come from or currently live in have a big influence on the images you make? If so, how?

The village where I come from and where I am sitting right now has no influence on my pictures. There is too much green around, which is nice because then I don't think in pictures, but rather enjoy the surroundings. That was the case in Sweden. A muddy, grey January that gave me no inspiration to take pictures - apart from the sunset with the caravan in the glaring light, which even made it onto a PICKMOTION card.

Are your photos planned? Do you work in a specific setup or are the photos more spontaneous?

Most of the photos I share are taken in the moment. Observations in the city are always a snapshot. Architecture fascinates me. When I photograph people, I look for beautiful light and an interesting or totally plain background. Harmony is important to me.

What does your perfect shooting day look like?

On a wedding day, where I'm there for 8-10 hours, sun around midday would be nice during the preparations, just to light up the rooms. Then clouds move in in the afternoon and the evening ends in orange sunlight with a few veil clouds. It's all about the light.

What do you think about the IG community you have built? Do you exchange ideas with other IGers or do you meet up? Have any special collaborations emerged?

Instagram is a wonderful medium as a meeting place for interesting people. Because of the changing accounts over the years, I haven't really built up a community. I just can't decide what I want to focus on. Years ago, I walked through Berlin one afternoon with Linda @lindaberlin and Maria @maryloo ; that was the only time I actively met other passionate motif seekers. On the subject of cooperation: I actually hosted an Instagram walk for Apple in the summer of 2018. We walked along the Ku'damm and I gave them an insight into my perception of the surroundings. I wanted to make them aware that every image can have an advertising effect and that importance can therefore be placed on shapes and cuts as well as perspectives. Purely for my own benefit, to flatter my aesthetic sensibilities.

How and why did you decide to use Instagram as your social media platform?

I guess it was 2009 or 2010 when I uploaded my first picture to Instagram. You can see it at the very end of @_hosthannes ' feed. Among other things, the traffic light heart is included. A PICKMOTION classic apparently ? Nobody could have predicted how Instagram would develop over the last 10 years. I still prefer looking at pictures to videos. Instagram has become more and more of a personal soap opera for many people.

Did you know about PICKMOTION before our cooperation? And if so, where from?

I didn't know PICKMOTION until the first email.

Do you actually write postcards yourself?

I don't write postcards myself anymore. Beautiful cards are rare abroad. Four years ago I happily sent lots of cards from PICKMOTION. That summer I received over 40 copies and wanted to give my friends and acquaintances a little gift in the form of a handwritten card.

Can you tell us three of your favorite IG accounts

@leonieyoung , @valeries.welt and @sebastianj1102 , because he makes incredibly funny stories.

Is there anything else, an anecdote or funny story you would like to share with us? We are happy to hear anything ?

In March 2018, I arranged a blind date with Luisa and Tom, a couple from Germany, on Instagram. Luisa was in Cape Town as a model and Tom was visiting her. I like her relaxed style and we agreed that I would photograph her and her boyfriend together. They picked me up at 7 a.m. and we drove to a palm-lined street in Cape Town, with a skateboard as an accessory in our luggage. Beverly Hills flair in Africa. While waiting for the first rays of sun, we all tried out the board. I confidently talked about my experience from childhood. Going downhill would be no problem. I got on the board with momentum and landed on the street a few meters later. As it turned out, I dislocated my left arm, for the second time after a soccer accident when I was 19. A little dazed with shock, I pushed my arm back in and after a tiny pause for breath - I briefly went black - we were able to start the shoot. The pictures are still some of my favorites. Luisa feels the same way, as she recently confirmed to me and added that when they get married, they want me there as a photographer.


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