Jul 10, 2024Lorenz Hartmann

First, can you introduce yourself to us, who you are, where you come from and where you live now? A little bit about your personal background.

We are Britta and our Jack Russell Terrier Toto from a small village in Hesse/Germany. We love living in the country. Here we have everything we need: forests, meadows and beautiful nature that enchants us differently every season.

What do you do full-time, Britta, and how did you find your way there? Does your work have a connection to photography?

My main job is something completely different. I'm a doctor and it's important to have a good balance in a job like that. Photography and being out in nature help me to switch off when the workday doesn't bring any nice things.
However, I also enjoy being a doctor and find it a very fulfilling job when you can help people.

How and why did you start photography? How has your style developed over time?

I have always loved being outside in nature and I have always enjoyed creative things. I like being able to capture beautiful moments in pictures for eternity. I would describe my style as very colorful and playful. That way it is sometimes a good contrast if you have had a not so nice day. I want to make people smile with my colorful pictures.

What inspires you and why?

My inspiration is nature. I love how it changes its colors throughout the seasons. I always like to use this as a guide when designing the colors for my photos.

Your IG account is completely dedicated to Toto. How did you come up with the idea of ​​creating an IG account especially for him?

It actually just developed that way. Originally, the account wasn't dedicated to Toto alone, but since he's such a big part of my life, he was there from the start and took over the account relatively quickly.

How long have you two been spending time together? Did you, Britta, have pets before? What does Toto mean to you and how does he enrich your life?

Toto has been by my side for more than eight years now. I got him when he was 4 months old and since then he has enriched my life every day. He is my calming influence and cheers me up. He always makes me laugh and drives away any bad mood. I had two horses before him, Friese Jinke and PRE Ponent, who are still part of our family.

How do you make sure that Toto is always in the best pose?

Treats is the keyword ? Toto is simply an absolute professional when the “payment” is right!
He notices immediately when I pull out the camera and pose. His playful and funny character also helps a lot.

Are your photos planned? Do you work in a specific setup or are the photos more spontaneous?

It varies. For our indoor photos, we have a certain place in the apartment that has the best light. I basically only work with natural light, no flash or anything like that. I often have a certain image in mind. But even if it doesn't turn out as planned, something much better often comes out by chance. Outside, we are more spontaneous and I see what Toto offers me.

Can you tell us a bit more about Toto's personality? He loves being in front of the camera, doesn't he?

Toto is a typical terrier. Playful, with a mischievous streak. He knows how to make people laugh. But he can also be a bit of a macho towards other dogs and sometimes forgets his true size. But he also wants to please and is therefore always very enthusiastic when being photographed, because he notices when I am pleased with a nice, successful picture.

What does your perfect shooting day look like?

Good light, a good, creative idea or colorful location and a happy dog!

What do you think about the IG community you have built? Do you exchange ideas with other IGers or do you meet up sometimes? Have any special collaborations emerged?

The dog Instagram community is very closely connected. I have known many of them virtually for several years now and we write to each other. Unfortunately, meeting up is often not possible because we are spread all over the world. But I would still say that Instagram brings people together and I have been able to get to know lovely people through it that I would never have met otherwise due to the distance.

How and why did you decide to use Instagram as a social media platform for Toto?

I think Instagram is still the number one social media platform. It connects people from all over the world. You can post spontaneous things in stories that followers can take with them in their everyday lives and also create lasting memories in the feed that everyone can look at again and again.

Do you actually write postcards yourself?

Not as much as before...unfortunately! But people still write by hand when they're on vacation or on special occasions like birthdays or Christmas.

Did you know about PICKMOTION before our cooperation? And if so, where from?

We actually already knew about PICKMOTION from Instagram and were therefore very happy when we were able to become a part of it! It's a great feeling when you suddenly discover your photo in a store while shopping or when someone in another country and another city shares my photo with their friends by choosing our exact postcard.

Could you tell us three of your favorite IG accounts?

Oh there are many…

An account that certainly inspired us is @runnerkimhall .
Unfortunately, she is no longer active on Instagram, but I still enjoy looking at her colorful picture stories.
Then I love the account of @noodoll .
Your posts are always so creative and designed with so much attention to detail.
And an account that always spreads positive energy and cheers you up is @happydaysfactory .
The little pictures of Amelie are always heartwarming.

Is there anything else, an anecdote or funny story you would like to share with us? We'd be happy to hear anything.

I always find it very funny when Toto can do a trick in the photo. So I taught him the command "wave" where he lifts one front paw in the air. But since Toto is always very eager and committed, he quickly developed a complete wagging with both front legs in the air, so that now you only see front paws and no face in photos.

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