Zauberhafte Welt - Geburtstagskalender (Format 12x36)

€7,90 €9,90you save €2,00

✔️ Permanent calendar
✔️ Recurring
✔️ Calendar
✔️ Dimensions: 12x36
✔️ Spiral binding
✔️ Various motifs
✔️ 1 column for notes


Warm pastel tones, dreamlike elements and beautiful animals in our magical worlds mean there are no limits to your imagination. With our birthday calendar (12 x 36 cm) you will never forget a birthday or anniversary of your friends and family again! In addition, every month a hand-picked motif from international Instagrammers and lovingly designed icons decorate the wall. Another sustainable extra: the birthday calendar is not tied to a year and can be used again and again!


Information on product safety

Company: Pickmotion GmbH
Street & house number: Albertinenstr. 1
Postal code & city: 13086 Berlin
Country: Germany

To the data sheets - Here

Zauberhafte Welt - Geburtstagskalender (Format 12x36)